You mentioned the notion of being too costly. This implies that you don't know how a fiat currency government works such as in the US and in Canada. The monetary life cycle starts with the government spending money into existence. They don't ever not have the money for things unless they intentionally do not spend it. Care for Citizens is the purpose of the government and it is their correct function to spend in doing so just like a server computer sending information to personal computers that is exactly what it's made to do. It is not functioning correctly if it is focused primarily on taking money in rather than putting it out.
Also a minor item. The term veteran means somebody who has already served in the military, so it's a past tense word. You might use ex-soldier or ex-service member, but veteran applies to everyone who has served and you don't become a ex-veteran.
As someone who works in accessibility, it's wonderful to see someone writing in support of people with disabilities and creating greater understanding. Thank you for your effort.