I have serious doubts looking at your photo that you look as young as you think you do. You'd certainly like to think so. A lot of 50 year olds ARE grandparents. You do look 60 with a sagging face common to a man that old you fail to hide behind your beard.
Do I REALLY believe she looks THIRTY years older than you? No, these are the words of a probably delusional man, or one who hates women and wants them to be alone and makes something up like this to get people to stand behind it and to drop the idea to be with an older woman because it can’t possibly stay good can it? She’s just a piece of meat to you. And probably one who outsmarted you.
Women facing the same age differences in their partner often feel that difference, but they work on it consciously because they care. A lot of the physical problems can be solved for a time, but not always as well as planned. I have 10K worth of stem cells in my knees and have a great time now, real money, but worth it.
Men are also not taught to accept women looking older than them, so they must learn it over time or have an affinity for it. They are also often taught that women will care for them when they get older but not how to accept her age and her needs. Those knees? Most women get knee injuries when they’re young athletes, not older women, but you’re too uncaring to even have a clue. Also some issues like body chemicals and weight are harder to solve, even with hard work, again women are taught to accept these things in their mate, men are not. And men like you put your real name on it and tell ugly lies. I’d previously write kindness here for you, but you don’t deserve any.