This sounds like complete gibberish. No idea what you think you're saying. No, you can see it on Instagram. Tomi Lahren was chatting with some financial expert, 40 year old guy. It was quite a long set of discussions and I'm all over it.
This weird thing you're saying about relationships is crazy. If you want to talk about all the abusive men who cant handle women leaving, causing their deaths, I'm sure there's more to say but you again sound like a nut. There are enough articles on the subject of women "blindsiding" men by leaving their marriages to sink a battleship. Then the women talk about how many complaints were left unresolved. Then the research on how if women are cheating, it's because they're ready to leave, not just for fun.
People don't seem to know how to make it work anymore. I'd like it to be harder for them to GET married, so that they have some skills first, because divorce is so hard. I'm told Covenant marriages offer that extra training and would consider it.
Why would I try to control anyone much less Latino people? Many are Catholic, so they're not going to abort. And you know what? I'm not bothered by people being pro-life. I have a problem with people forcing it upon others. My religion, Judaism, puts women and existing families first. A risk to the Mom. or future Mom, physically or mentally is a risk that makes it her choice. But if this country became 50% Latino, I would not be bothered by that. Not in the least.