There are different flavors of racist behavior so this would make total sense.
One person might have a lifetime of bad ideas thrown at them by a racist parent or environment but may logically behave properly in front of an actual person. Except the covert exclusion part and saying dumb things.
Another may lack empathy for the experiences somone has but understand basic concepts of fairness, so they'll stand up for you at the store but insist the reason for the bad behavior was ANY reason but racism.
Or may be status sensitive, as you described, where they MUST be on top and racism is high on the list of reasons to put other people below them so they make up reasons to make them inferior, things that simply don't exist or are teeny tiny people issues everyone has but PROVES this person is a zero. And they love to punish whoever is below them like some act of the creator commands everyone to behave this way.
I really hope we're improving. I hope people care enough to improve.