The punitive thing is an extremely common Conservative criticism of wealth-based taxes. This is not about sexism at all.
You say this is her race to lose, but I’d beg to differ. She’s not the best debater around and probably four of the other candidates have better foreign policy knowledge, which is kind of serious at this point.
She’s claimed she’s for Med4All, but this debate and the last few weeks have shown she’s rather two-faced about it. In fact she’s been rather evasive on quite a few issues and people are noticing. The hype is dying out and she’s going to have to keep from choking. She pretty much did with Buttigeg, and that’s not a good sign if we plan to have her debate Trump.
And her not going on Fox for a Town Hall, was downright stupid, so she looks fearful, evasive, and weak when we need a strong candidate. You could tell me it’s sexist for me to say it, but two of the other female candidates are stronger in areas above. She’s known those weak points exist, but has done little about it.