I’ve been trying to figure out what bothered me so much about her words. It’s as if she had an almost clinical emotional detachment in talking about this, so many men, women, and childen decimated and horribly hurt. Generational fear and vigilance following. Maybe that’s why she was asked to go home. It’s possible her boss wanted more emotional connection to the event and the people hurt from it and her. Jews are so used to the detachment, we walk by it quite a lot.
As for racial or not, talk to any 5 Jews and you will get a different answer to the race question. In 1920s Europe, Roma and Jews were "mongrels" intermarrying and creating "trouble" by bringing different languages, culture, customs and ideas and being defensively insular making us outsiders. Most Jews there at the time were probably 50-75% Middle Eastern. Many of us are still at that level. Because of our nomadic background, we do have certain genetic markers and issues that are common to indivdual races. Further muddying the issue. Then there's the Jewish Culture and the Relgion. There are effectively multiple pieces of us to juggle around and her ignorance on it is largely understood.
Due to the level of harassment, exclusion, discrimination, etc, we do get a lot of trouble for being what we are. It's not the same experience that many POCs get, but it is its own experience and not one that should be discounted, dissmissed or ignored.
The reason for the suspension was that she was instructed not to speak of it further, because talking about everything with this modern race theory POCs vs Whites dynamic and broad brush assumptions was creating more issues than it was solving. She then publicly doubled down on the original statments about "seeing race."
I personally have no issue with the race part of the problem and her apologizing. Undoing it later in the day was not helpful.