Oh, I see the same on the Right, too, when they aren't trying to say worse or pretend Black people don't exist. They use VERY similar things to what you gathered. The thing is, in the 80s the DLC came together. They were basically, Joe Biden, the Clintons, and a few more Lite Republicans. They took over the Democratic party, which already had roots in prejudice (Dixiecrats). They supported yuppies and elites at first, and led the Dems away from workers and unions. hurting the middle class and eventually the lower class by their anti-worker policies. They have the mask of Identity Politics, but they want to tell you the're for you, but are keeping you poor and powerless for the most part by making college impossible and a steady home an impossible dream. Notice how they almost immediately supported Cops the second they got your vote. The Progressive reject this mask and go with behavioral science and inclusion. The problem I'm seeing is when they go to work with the dems, they seem to get commandeered somehow, bribed, manipulated, who knows, but they lose their thunder once they get in and do the dance but don't fix anything. It's a good report you did here, keep up the good journalism! My Dad who is a poly sci does live streams on KRTD Media channel on YT and FB would love to have someone like you on to talk to. You should say hi sometime. His name is Joe Firestone