NO, we may appear White to you but most Slavic peoples are not considered White either and most of us are Slavic as well as African. Also, If my hair stays its natural color, I'm often assumed to be Italian or Turkish, although my skin is darker than the average white person it's color is not quite olive either. I don't think you have any right to try to define anyone else or tell us what our lives are like. That's us. We live it, not you.
If we're excluded by Whites we are not them. If they tell us regularly that we are not them we are not them. If they threaten us, hurt us, kill us, and have this ugly replacement theory about us, we are not them.
Our experiences are our own. 15 Jewish day schools (that I have heard of) were attacked as a result of Kanye's behavior. White or not, we deal with hate, and color or perceived color does not matter. I've never gone 6 months of my life without being told out loud that I'm different for being Jewish and it's usually not nice. I've been sworn at and threatened multiple times when trying to date and the ugly words usually appear about being Jewish.
You're really a coloristic, prejudiced person and your lookism is hurting us and others like us. Romani, Italians, Whiter Latin peoples, many others face hate and we don't need you denying our experiences or worrying about what club you think we belong to as to whether you think we're valid or not. We don't need you but I'd like you to stop if you don't understand.