I have to ask myself, what kind jerk excludes disabld people and others who are disenfranchised?
You've been taught that no one has a right to respond to these things with any sort of commonality even when commonality actually does exist. Anyone who is an other needs these SAME TECHNIQUES but you're too selfish to see it or be open to speaking to it.
Newer diversity concepts frequently exclude scores of people who are othered, ESPECIALLY people with disabilities and whose identity isn't colorful enough for this new concept. They are forgotten ALL the time while your voice is loud.
It erases the experiences of these people. I won't let your arrogance or selfishness do that.
You claim to fight for inclusion, for empathy, but no, you fail when tested because you’re too selfish to admit anyone else has a need. You demand empathy but you scorn others who need it.
It’s like saying I shouldn’t talk about cancer in other parts of the body because an article is about breast cancer. It’s cancer either way.
Did it EVER occur to you that just because you don't agree with a point of view, it doesn't mean you're right?
I would say that HOUSING and TENANT issues are about as universal a thing as there is for anyone who doesn't make much money. And again, Diversity is mentioned several times, the fact that race was a point of diversity discussed didn't make it a racial only article, you're just entitled.
I wasn't "attention seeking" (what an $%*$%&*$ thing to say) for myself but literally millions I work for every day. They need my voice to speak and I'd bet good money that you've never spoken for them, but I've spoken for you. There’s more, so much more, but I don’t want to feed someone who was so ignorant and quick to judge in his statements. The accusation of “making it about me” was almost like it’s something you rubber stamp on any white woman do dares to speak. I have the right to speak 24/7. The twit is the guy who can’t show his face or his posts, but runs around talking down to and insulting people.