My life didn't change the day I turned 40, my body chemistry did. I became pre-diabetic overnight, carb intolerant, developed high cortisol, and my thyroid started going offline, pretty much all at once. I went on GAPS then Keto to curb cravings and it worked but my weight didn't change despite giving up sugar. I have no difficulty follwing diets or using apps. My first supplement was sea kelp. 14 lbs lost in 14 days. My next change, DHEA, 20 lbs lost in 1 month. My eating changed a year before these supplements, and I had doctors helping me. I think they know more than you o matter what study you read. The last step to goal weight was to give up caffeine. These items worked because those problems were real.
Maybe not all women have these problems but the study clearly doesn't account for everyone.
I've never had trouble telling my friends what I will eat at lunch or dinner and I don't have a family.