Look, the issue is diffeerent for men vs women. especially re my last point.
While I find Mr Cruise attractive, at no time recently has he looked 40. He looks 50-55 years old, mostly because he's stayed away from surgery. He does look very physically fit though, and in the top 1% of men in that category including those 20 years younger. Expert care and consistency and likely hormone replacement are mightly helpful.
Women's weight issues post 40 are largely unsolved and when they do get solved, it's often with either expert medical care hitting the jackpot or unusual sacrifices like mine which include water fasting for 5 days per month to fight a pre-diabetic state, one that my diet and exercise should not have led me to and are not genetic. There does seem to be something environmental or systemic about the US though as women in Europe have this issue to a much lesser degree. I would beg to differ about the Charlie character. I think the construction of their relationship lends itself to being temporary so I had no expectation of a return.
Meg Ryan's Carole character would have been far more appropriate especially since she stood to lose her son in the same way as her husband. That brings depth and drama in an obvious way. She was not asked but several men who would have been retired by that point n the military were also there.
An effort to bring her would have shown the value of story. She has been working behind the camera and looks on the young side and appropriate to play Rooster's mom. No excuse.