It’s not about wanting or not wanting to be white. Being White for a Jew or Arab has nothing to do with the government, that’s all bullhockey based on the wealth and power of a group in theory but as far everyday people go, both groups are discriminated against and are seen as Middle Easterners or Middle Eastern Americans, and FOREIGN, no matter how long our families have been here. Irish to lesser level in recent years, but my Irish friends think they get trouble more for being Catholic. I may have thought I was White in the past, but my lack of acceptance by Whites has led me to a different conclusion. I am treated differently, often left out, discriminated against, physically hurt and threatened, mentally abused, and even lost my home from such threats to little or no reaction from my White peers. I have taken no part in slavery nor have my ancestors, have often to my detriment defended other minorities, if I see wrong behavior I call it and work against it.
If you ask a Jew or Arab pretty much every one of them believe they are more than treated differently but treated as a minority.
I am also a descendent of the holocaust. The terms that you’ve brought in this article are careless, and to me, lacking in acknowlegement of our differences and who we are, and lacking in the empathy and recognition you claim to want from others. Labeling us as simply White and not what we are is not useful, accurate, or fair and erases us. NO THANK YOU.