I wouldn't agree there, not easy to predict. Perhaps you assume too much. Life experience, for example makes it much easier for me to help my male friends, family and lovers with life and physical issues. I've stepped up with care, money and knowledge younger women don't seem to have.
Was Amber Heard any help to Johnny Depp with his mid-life problems? Career issues? Self-esteem? It seems she scared his children and increased stress for him and the family. I doubt he would live longer even after divorcing her with the damage he took. He aged 10 years in 5.
The younger they are the more likely the relationship is to break up, with lots of drama, so the statistic is broken in that way, as it doesn't include such women and the effects on men with a second divorce, the same for the man who has former spouses who still step up to help when there's a problem the new wife can't handle. So I don't think there's a good quantitative way to study that.
Worse, there's a lot of evidence, as I mentioned in other threads and others did as well, that men aren't giving women much credit for their work in anything, not conerning for the kids OR for them, but mostly in her attractiveness. So you probably would discount deeds done anyway.