I think we should wait util he's hit his stride before we declare we've learned anything. He's lost both parents in a short period of time, Has had lots of problems with his son and daughter in law, limited access to grandchildren due to pandemic and these issues, leaving many problems with the firm, his life's work, while all that was happening, then he's expected to perform the ceremonies he's been training for his whole life while still grieving, pretty fresh, his most important confidant and longest support, in front of cameras all over the world, and finds the most simple of issues disrupting these fairly simple ceremonies.
I get it. I've prepared a preso for a year only to have the projector break with no others available and to have everyone read from papers in front of them to further find the powerpoint was given but not the transcript I'd asked to be distributed. I had to give the copies I had in my hand to my deaf colleagues and remember the 20 minute preso by heart. I could do it, but it was frustrating.