I think we should do whatever we can to kill the power of that word to hurt you or anyone ever again. If for me, the best thing I can do is raise hell when people say it, I'm there.
Rogan was repeating other people's words, that was the context and while he didn't think it was wrong then if they weren't his words, he DID know better than to try it in the name of edginess, and should not have done so. Edgy shouldn't mean insult or ugly disregard. This was ugly. They further didn't add anything to what was being said, IMO. Just saying "Expletive" would have done the job. We are experts at filling in the blanks depending on who is being spoken about. There is no debate, not an honest one. People know it's not polite or kind and that should be enough. Unfortuntely decorum is falling apart in the world, destroying most chances of good discourse. I hope people change direction soon.