I think there is something men can do about much this and most of it is working to eliminate the jerky pieces of our culture. That means telling young men not to tolerate women being deceived or treated badly or spoken about badly for wanting sex as much as men do and not to dehumanize them for being attractive or unnatractive. To work MUCH harder to make consent undersood, to not treat women as less valuable if they have lapses in judgment or have a different culture and don't act in a traditional way. That doesn't make them less valuable human beings and OK to treat worse than you'd want your sister treated.
Then get into the other signs of disrespect. Ask them, would you treat a man that way, knowing he might do something about it, with his fist? Then do better with women.
And last but not least make it OK for women to be role models to men and boys. One of my friends was in the space program. She didn't go up past test flights but is considered an astronaut. She answered an ad to speak at a school. When she arrived, her audience was all female, out of sexism that supposedly boys wouldn't be interested. Um, don’t boys usually like space and aviation?
And how about when women present at work, at lot of their feedback isn't to the content of their presentation but on dumb things like their dress or their vocal tone. How can they get better if we're not putting up the rule FIRST that those comments won't be allowed?
It's a change that won't happen tomorrow, but you can help. These are things you've probably walked by several times. You can speak up instead.