I have news, these days hyperactivity IS considered a disability now, I work in the disabled community and those with ADHD are among the cognitive issues we serve. Autism, again is high and people are aware of it, but again, if the child isn't their problem, they know better than to get any more concerned than they need to. That's my point, she may well be more painfully aware than other people are. Whether a kid is "normal" and is just tired and acting out, or if it's a disability, whether it's actually disturbing is what counts. Lots of kids act out, lots of them are on the spectrum now. THEY ARE NOT FREAKS. They're kids. Some will have disabilities that will need a lot of help, some will just be awkward, some will not be noticeable when they grow up. No matter what, all such people, young and old are members of the community. They are NOT ANYTHING to be embarrased about or to call a freak show.