I guess I don't really see these issues as much as I might have in the 80s and 90s. Most of the white people I know who wear them now are MMA artists and are literally doing it for safety.
I've lived and worked in the DC and Los Angeles areas and have not been aware of anyone's discrimintion for hair recently in ANY professional area I'm aware of, and I'm in groups of people where it would be discussed. DC is the area with the highest number of middle class Black people in the country and I don't know anyone who focuses much on hair styles. We see punk rock web programmers with different color hair all the time, nose rings, studs in their faces, tats, etc and culturally relevant hair is a much less controversial thing. One would not dream of telling anyone how to look and dress unless they're revealing too much or smell too bad.
I'm not saying these things didn't happen or don't happen but I wonder how normal it is. How normal IS it in 2022?
I also know a close friend who is a Jamaican Rastafarian by way of his father. His mother was a red-haired Catholic Irishwoman who died at a fairly young age. His hair is red, his skin is pale, his entire family is black. His hair is done as his father's would be. I can't imagne telling him he can't wear his hair by his family's rules because he's too white. See his face and his smile, and his eyes, you see his Dad. Who are we to tell him?