I don't have anger towards "service members" I have anger towards leaders who don't fix the culture and who don't make problems stop. How many issues have you reported? I didn't do it working directly for the Pentagon, although I did that too. But in the end I have to hold the brothers responsible, because too many brothers walk past things they know are wrong to be part of the boy’s club. That part is horribly sad.
Here’s more, in this case a CONFESSION wasn’t enough to prosecute because he had male character witnesses who said he was too nice a guy. I experienced a thousand of these, easily. Those restricted reports, and those choosing not to report, never happened. This instance, never happened, even with a confession. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/03/magazine/military-sexual-assault.html
Most women report it after their service. The Rand report doesn't capture that. It doesn't because it doesn't allow anonymous reporting nor does it hold any consistent data on this because the military didn't bother either. But you're not interested enough in the problem to know that.
If a test is altered to allow the minimum for someone to do a job, then that's correct. If the test is changed purely to allow women it's not correct. Conservatives would love to say the latter but it's mostly the former.
Like I said, until women feel welcome and men have their back, down to the ground, it's not likely to happen in a country that sends people to 800 bases around the world, but doesn't really need all that for Defense. Get a real threat, a real war coming here, that's another story. If you want more women to participate, sweeten the deal.