I absolutely agree regarding the therapy for him.
I also think that if you want to encourage healthier habits at home then you have to both engage in them. Too often I've seen husbands with their ability to hold more calories eat a lot of junk food in front of their wives who need to behave in order to hold their weight. This is like smoking in front of one person and expecting the other to quit.
Could he possibly make the meals for a few months and try to get them into new habits? Could he help her to search for snacks that would have less load on her and satiate her as well? Could you keep a pact to have natural foods in the house? These are just options that don't put pressure on anyone but at the same time invite them to do better even if it only tiny little ways.
Also please be sure that she doesn't have anything medical against her like thyroid problem or something like that. An issue like that could have probably made her feel hopeless and cause her to stop trying.