HISTORY tells us we have too many arms for people to come for us, unless we've been intervening in their country which is when they want to strike back. Yeah, keep playing the eternal boogeyman game. We kill people all over the world, inhibit rights to self-determination and affect other countries economically with our presence. Any vaccuum we leave will be filled with people from the area, who AGAIN, have the right to self-determination. We've never been able to change these people and keeping bases where they aren't welcome, ((we have several of those now) will not help anyone and further is NOT OUR JOB. I've already been plain with you about that. For some reason you keep lying to yourself that we're better than everyone else and can put our guns on them and boss them around. We pay for that all the time and YES wasting government reesources who could be occupied with solving our problems is doing no less, wasting our leader's time and attention and wasting resources we could be using to fix America's problems.