Here's the thing though, women connect in a more mental and emotional way than men do. It's possible for the male cashier at target to hit above his income level, but he needs to be able to hold a college level conversation with that educated woman and be willing to truly listen, connect and give her brain some credit. Many men find that hard to do.
It's far from impossible these days now that many people are underemployed. I also know women in happy marriages who out earn their husbands. It happens in real life, because the best opportunities are not available to everyone throughout their life.
I have "dated down" many times, as have my friends, but honestly men don't like the loss of control even when I make no special effort to control and am not stingy. They've been a carpenter, historian, and beginning network engineer. What they did meant something to me more than money.
Much younger men sometimes think they can get a gigolo type deal, much like what many men lie to themselves about getting, but women don't want that for the most part. They'd rather wait for the whole enchilada than settle for a fake thing. More of these much younger women do try to have a relationship. Younger men within a reasonable range tend to offer all of it, so women will wait for that.
So it's more a different approach than an over-interest in money.