Great post this time.
Some of this is the beauty thing. Men have been taught to value stylish women who do a lot for their looks, not realizing they spend a thousand a month or more and wonder why they want a man who can contribute to that lifestyle. Hair, nails, eyebrows, clothes, shoes, filler and skincare, that stuff adds up far more than travel does.
The travel is an indication of class level to be sure. It means someone can meet their daily needs and have a little extra in time and money or organization thereof and are valuing this over other things. For someone with a middle class income and a modest home (in some cases a room), it's regularly affordable, especially with credits for more travel from credit cards and other things. It can be a quiet indicator of no college debt too. I have noticed that many such people value their independence a lot, so you need to be a very good fit emotionally to make them focus on you. It may even be an activity for those with avoidant personalities, who like light friendship with bright moments over deep ones.
As far as a ring, I see some pretty amazing ones on Etsy for a few hundred made of the same stones as expensive ones, so it's a racket to spend more. There's always a way to express things you love without spending everything. Going to an ethnic enclave that is decorated like another country can be a way to feel like you're there when you can't afford it just yet.