Dating in my 40s has certainly been awful, and while younger men were a huge improvement, and had none of these issues, men my age and older were often on a search for someone younger and were not looking for someone their age or older. I think the OK Cupid data says it's a 20% difference. They'd pop back around when things didn't' work out with their targets though, but especially if I was dumped for one of these others, I was not amenable.
I was often told to my face that they were making an exception for my age and I was not a popular type for them. My answer was "Then why are there so many of you asking me out?"
So I don't do online dating anymore because it's so impersonal and I occasionally meet someone in life I'd consider, but they're often not available themselves, so it's not a focus.
I don't think you're doing anyone any favors with a post like this, the ageist sexist ones will do what they will do.