Chattel slavery did exist in ancient times, and the people affected by it were those who were captured by warring or raided peoples. Cultures were different in how they handled this. Thralls in the far North were also chattel and had no rights and also had children with no rights. Some were human trafficked, an experience many do not live through.
There were also house servants in American slavery. There were indentured servants who were given contracts that implied the servitude would end but they tended to die first.
Nonetheless there was a general idea (US wise) that a White person had the right to be free eventually and Black people were lesser and did not, even when their race was not discernable. This left an imprint that we need to work to reduce and remove. Further, this did not happen in ancient times but far more recently, and that also needs to be recognized.
Anyone who tries to ignore or discount this is not in possession of their marbles or are outwardly trying to manipulate, probably to remove any responsibility. But everyone is responsible especially those closer to the power structure to work to fix it.