1. The women you're talking about have unimited budgets to address what they don't like, whether it's body chemistry causing them to gain weight or face changes. And world class options.
2. JLO would give her right arm to look 30.
3. At 30 I said what you said , at 41 I got my first surgery because I suddenly looked gaunt and after going to 5 events that year, none the photos taken of me were shown publicly (their idea) and my acting work dropped to nearly nothing. I got the message that I was becoming almost instantly invisible. I've spent a lot since, but very carefully and with a minimum of cutting. I don't recommend that everyone do it, but I want to make clear to you that you're not really there yet, most likely.
4.. I'm hopeful that some aspects of our cultures do seem to be changing. I have far more options in life and love than I ever expected. Do what matters to you and seek help, especially emotional, when you need it. The road will rise to meet you and you can find joy.
5. For as long as men don't live as long as women, having kids is te key to not being alone when you die, the hubby has less to do with that. My parents live in an over 55 apartment building. There's one other couple there, the rest women.